Add record to table when "Not In List"

Add record to table when "Not In List"

am 08.11.2006 00:32:50 von krwill

I'm trying to automate a combo box to add a record to the source table
if it's "Not In List". I've tried many different examples and none
have worked.

Combo Box Name = Combo24
Source Table Name = TblHandler
Source Field Name = HandlerLoginID (key column = HandlerID which is an


Re: Add record to table when "Not In List"

am 08.11.2006 02:45:45 von x

Per krwill:
>I'm trying to automate a combo box to add a record to the source table
>if it's "Not In List". I've tried many different examples and none
>have worked.
>Combo Box Name = Combo24
>Source Table Name = TblHandler
>Source Field Name = HandlerLoginID (key column = HandlerID which is an

Here's how I usually do it.

This is some *old* code... hence the "skipLine" instead of
just vbCrlf & vbCrlf, the Integer instead of Boolean and the
magic number "6" instead of vbYes.

Ignore the DebugStackPush, DebugStackPop, and BugAlert stuff - it's just
my own canned error trapping.

At the end of the chain, there's a modal dialog that solicits the new info
from the user and then sets a global semaphore if the user hits "Save"
and nothing abends.

I started cautioning my clients about this type of feature some years back
because with salutations, for instance, users wind up adding variations like
"Mr." "Mr" or "Mister". They tend to have something in mind and they
just don't check the dropdown list for near matches. Trivial, perhaps, with
salutations... but can get real messy with things like firm names, fund names
and so-forth.

------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
Private Sub cboSalutation_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
debugStackPush Me.Name & ": cboDonorNameSalutati_NotInList"
On Error GoTo cboDonorNameSalutati_NotInList_err

Response = salutationRecNotInList(NewData)

On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub

bugAlert ""
Resume cboDonorNameSalutati_NotInList_xit
End Sub
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
Function salutationRecNotInList(theNewData As String) As Integer
debugStackPush mModuleName & ": salutationRecNotInList"
On Error GoTo salutationRecNotInList_err

' Accepts: Data typed into combo box that does not match any of the dropdown's
' entries.
' Returns: An integer that tells the combo box what the result was.
' i.e. Did we add a new entry to the list or bail out...
' Notes: 1) Intended to be called by all combo boxes which present
' salutations (e.g. "Mr", "Mrs"...)

Dim myNewData As String

Dim skipLine As String
skipLine = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)

myNewData = theNewData

If MsgBox("Salutation " & Chr$(34) & myNewData & Chr$(34) & " does not exist."
& skipLine & "Would you like to add it?", 36, "Quick Add?") = 6 Then
If AddRecSalutation(myNewData) = True Then
salutationRecNotInList = DATA_ERRADDED
End If
End If

On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

bugAlert ""
Resume salutationRecNotInList_xit
End Function
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
Function AddRecSalutation(theNewData As String) As Integer
debugStackPush mModuleName & ": AddRecSalutation"
On Error GoTo AddRecSalutation_err

' Accepts: New Salutation to be added
' Returns: TRUE or FALSE depending on whether user completed the process
' (they may have pressed the form's CANCEL button or just closed
' the form...)
' Sets: Same field as new salutation ("theNewData") came in on, in case user
' elected to modify the title during the add process

Dim skipLine As String
skipLine = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAddRecSalutation", , , , , A_DIALOG, theNewData
AddRecSalutation = gModalAddDialogOutcome

On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

bugAlert ""
Resume AddRecSalutation_xit
End Function
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------


Re: Add record to table when "Not In List"

am 08.11.2006 03:04:06 von x

Per (PeteCresswell):
>DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAddRecSalutation", , , , , A_DIALOG, theNewData

Oh yeah... and the modal dialog initializes itself from the .OpenArg that I pass

The modal dialog might be overkill for most situations. It presents what the
user typed and gives the user a chance to clean it up (as in capitalization...).

OTOH, it then incurs the responsibility to check the lookup table again to make
sure the user hasn't changed the "mr" that they typed to "Mr.", which already
exists in the table...

So, instead of popping the modal dialog, you could just run an append query in
it's place.

Re: Add record to table when "Not In List"

am 08.11.2006 07:00:24 von Krij


You could also use the classical example ( in the 'NotInList' event):

Dim lngKID As Long

If MsgBox("Cannot find " & Chr(13) _
& " -> " & UCase(NewData) & Chr(13) _
"Add it?", vbYesNo + vbInformation) = vbYes Then

Response = acDataErrAdded

If IsNull(Me!Somefield) then
Me!Somefield.Text = ""
lngKID = Me!Somefield
Me!Somefield = null
End If

DoCmd.OpenForm "SomeForm",

If lngKID <> 0 Then Me!Somefield = lngKID
Response = acDataErrContinue
RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If

Then in the retrieving form add:

Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Err_FCU

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me!Somefield = Me.OpenArgs
End If


Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Err_FL

If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me!Somefield = Me.OpenArgs
End If


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_FO

This works great for me :-)

krwill skrev:

> I'm trying to automate a combo box to add a record to the source table
> if it's "Not In List". I've tried many different examples and none
> have worked.
> Combo Box Name = Combo24
> Source Table Name = TblHandler
> Source Field Name = HandlerLoginID (key column = HandlerID which is an
> autonumber)
> Thanks
> Stan

Re: Add record to table when "Not In List"

am 09.11.2006 19:37:20 von krwill

Thanks that worked!

Re: Add record to table when "Not In List"

am 09.11.2006 19:55:00 von krwill

Thanks that worked!